Simon Woodward


Moto GP

If you have pictures or stories for this page please do not to hesitate to let us know


The Shooting club have erected a bench in memory of Simon.

Peter Fox, Steve Booth and John Johnson have together sorted out the bench and its installation. Steve collected it and Peter concreted it in place.

The bench is in private land off Fen Drayton Road Swavesey, in one of the open spaces in the newly planted woods. The woods are mostly oak trees that take 40 to 50 years to reach maturity, but were planted in part to enhance the shoot.

As the bench is on private land, can we ask you to contact John Johnson for directions and where to park, and to let him know you plan to visit it, his details are below.



Telephone 07810 204200


Steve Leader
Peter Fox
Steve Booth
Kim Johnson
John Johnson
Ken Booth

Many thanks to Kim Johnson who submitted shoot photos, you can see these in the gallery

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